Weekends in Chennai restaurants 24/4/2015

The other day our friends invited us to dinner at a popular restaurant  and I was delighted  as it  meant  shutting off my kitchen  for the day.  My husband and I reached the place  at  the specified hour leaving home early enough  in view of the traffic snarls. Luckily  the Chennai traffic didn’t pose a problem inspite of being the week end.

Our friends did arrive a little after and   we  joined them  immediately in order to grab a table considering the weekend rush. One look at the manager   who appeared engrossed in adding to the already long list of people waiting for their turn was enough to put us off  and literally take to our heels  in search of another  restaurant  but  we  couldn’t escape the eyes of the vigilant manager who happened to spot us  before  we could act.

‘Why  this  unusual rush today? ‘I stammered  more  out of politeness.

Madam, nothing unusual  if you realize that nobody wants to entertain  anymore at home ,he literally accused.

Well, it is understandable , I nodded.  More so because it is the weekend, I added.

No, madam ,  the waiting list is the same  even on working days, he said and got back to enter the names of another four people trying to get his attention.

We were faced  with a  similar scene  at a couple of other restaurants we visited and decided  ‘home hospitality’ was the best  and settled  for a simple dinner  which was   piping hot!


2 thoughts on “Weekends in Chennai restaurants 24/4/2015

  1. V.N.K.Kumar

    Many other couples were thinking on the same wavelength, to eat out and get some respite from the daily drudgery of cooking & cleaning. I feel some entrepreneur should be encouraged to start a new restaurant to accommodate the spillover of clientele!

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